
Please Give Today - Please give meaningfully

Friends of Radnor Troop 284, is a registered non-profit under IRS Code Section
501(c)(3), and, as such any donation is tax deductible.

Contribute online or send a check made payable to "Friends of Radnor 284":

Friends of Radnor 284
PO Box 142
Wayne, PA 19087

Note that mailing in your donation will ensure the entire amount of your tax deductible donation goes to the Property and Endowment fund.  Selecting the option to pay for the online donation fees below will accomplish this as well.  Thank you for your generous support.

Board of Directors
Kym Johnson - President *
Bob Miccolis - Vice President
F. Jay Bowden III - Secretary *
Julie Faith - Treasurer
Eric W. Janson *
Marc Hirschler *
Clarke Piatt *


* Indicates Voting Board Seat

You may donate below or mail a check to the following address.  Mailing a check assures that 100% of your donation goes to Friends of Radnor 284:

Friends of Radnor 284
PO Box 142
Wayne, PA 19087

Thank you for your generous contribution.



Want to donate to a participant? Click here

$106,466.83 of $250,000.00 raised
131 donations have been made to this site.
Sara & Ed Connolly
obo Jeerry Van trieste
Marc Hirschler
Troy Schrader
Joanne Dougherty
Chaudry Manzoor
Angelique Irvin
Catherine Carruthers
Merrilee Johnstone